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How is the Current education system in Bangladesh?
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Core Values of CAMPE

Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE) is committed to upholding the following core values and principles in all aspects of its work:

  • Education as a public good, a human right and an enabler of other rights;
  • Focusing our resources on securing learning, equity and inclusion for the most marginalized children, youth and adult, including those live in difficult to access areas, vulnerable to climate change and affected by conflict;
  • Targeted towards the poor, disadvantaged and excluded and achieving gender equality;
  • Enabling inclusive, evidence-based policy dialogue that engages national governments, donors, civil society, teachers, philanthropy and the private sector;
  • Ensure broad-based ownership and nationally identified collective priorities, and is linked to education sector plan;
  • Respect for persons, social justice and professional integrity;
  • Contribute in improving development effectiveness through effective participation in policy and practice change discourse within the country systems;
  • Engaged in evidence based advocacy and create platform for civil society including community level actors;
  • Promoting mutual accountability and transparency across the partnership;
  • Acting on our belief that inclusive partnership is the most effective means of achieving development results

CAMPE’s principles apply and uphold the Constitution of Bangladesh, Vision 2021, Education 2030, Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness (2005), the Accra Agenda for Action (2008), and the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (2011).